Thai Sweet Sticky Rice With Strawberry

Sweet sticky rice is a traditional Thai dessert served with sweetened coconut milk sauce and fruits on top.

Traditionally they use mango slices. This is a slightly different one not just because I have Strawberry slices instead of mangoes but I have also used strawberry puree to the rice. It is so delicious my son keeps asking for more!

Ingredients for strawberry sticky rice:

  • 1 1/2 cups Glutenous rice
  • 2 cups thin coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • Water (for soaking rice)
        • 5-6 Fresh Strawberries 

        Ingredients for sauce:

        • 1 cup thick coconut milk
        • 1/3cup sugar
        • Pinch of salt
        • 1 tbsp flour


        • Wash rice and soak it in water for minimum of 5 hours or overnight is best.
        • To cook the rice, strain out excess water reserving water to rice level. Cook in microwave for 12-14 minutes or until rice absorbs water completely.
        • Fluff rice with a fork and keep it aside.
        • Slice one strawberry and keep it for later. Puree remaining strawberries and strain for a smooth paste. 
        • Switch on stove to low-medium heat and add thin coconut milk, salt, sugar and strawberry puree. Mix until sugar is completely dissolved. 
        • Then add rice and mix until most of the liquid is absorbed.
        • Switch of flame and leave rice to absorb remaining liquid.
        • Meanwhile prepare the sauce;
        • Add all ingredients listed for sauce and mix in a sauce pan in low flame. 
        • Ones the sauce starts to thicken switch of flame and transfer sauce to serving jar.
        • Take sticky rice in a small bowl and turn it upside down over serving plate remove bowl gently, place sliced strawberries ans serve with sauce on the side. Can be served warm or chilled.
        For more details watch video below. 

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