Easy Puff Pastry

Forget about frozen, store-bought puff pastry sheets, You can make them easily at home. These Pastries are fresh, flakey and appetizing.

Let's get to the recipe:-

Pastry dough Ingredients:

3 & 1/2 cups All-purpose flour (1/2 cup for dusting)
1 cup & 2tsp cold Butter ( cut to small pieces for easy use)
1 & 1/2 cups water ( or as needed to form a firm dough)
1&1/2tsp salt ( or to taste)
1tsp sugar

Filling ingredients:

1 cup Onion
1 cup chicken (precooked and shredded)
1/3 cup milk
1 tsp black pepper
Salt to taste
2 tbsp butter

Other ingredients:

1 egg(beaten with little water for egg wash)
1 tsp black sesame seeds (for spring, optional)


  • Into a large mixing bowl, add 3 cups flour, salt, sugar, 2tsp cold butter and combine well. Brake butter into the flour with your thumb and finger until butter is completely melted into flour. The end result should resemble very fine bread crumbs. 
  • Then, Add water gradually and knead to form a thick dough. Let it rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Mean time you can make your filling and let it cool.

  • Melt 2 tbsp butter into a hot pan and sauté onion.
  • Add salt and pepper. 
  • Add flour and mix.
  • Add chicken  and mix.
  • While mixing add milk gradually. 
  • Once all the ingredients are mixed together and the filling is creamy, remove from heat and let it cool in room temperature.

  • After 30 minutes in refrigerator;
  • Roll dough with a large rolling pin to a rectangle of 1/2 inch thick (size doesn't matter). But make sure they are not so thin. 
  • Spread 1 cup cold butter in the center, fold top and bottom first, then fold sides.
  • If the butter is cold enough, roll the dough to rectangle again and fold to 3(left and right). (This is the 1st round)
  • While rolling beat butter chunks with rolling pin so it flattens and spreads evenly.
  • Repeat the process a much as 4 times. If the butter starts melting in between place the dough between each round in freezer for 15-30 minutes to harden butter. So it will be easier to work with.
  • After four rounds. Cover and freez dough for 30 minutes or until use ( you can freeze it upto 15 days)
  • After dough is chilled for 30 minutes, roll to make a rough rectangle (do not roll very thin) and cut into desired shape.
  • Pre heat oven to 200°C. Place small amount of filling and cover. Brush beaten egg and sprink some black sesame seeds.
  • Place in baking tray and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden and flakey.
*The dough must be cold while baking so the layers are lifted separately. And the oven must be pre heated! 
*You can use any kind of filling you desire. I have just made a simple filling. You can fill it with chocolate, Jam or anything you fancy!

*Watch video below to see how easily puff pastry is made at home.
